If you need urgent support, please click the Urgent Help button at the top of the page.

If you are in crisis and need to speak to someone urgently, please call 999 (Salford Royal has a mental health liaison team) or call Samaritans on 116 123.

We welcome requests from the media and for student projects. Please contact [email protected]

Call us: 0161 710 1070

Email us: [email protected]

You can also contact and follow us on social media for the latest updates

Our phone lines and social media accounts are only monitored during office hours (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm) and are not a crisis service.

How to find us:

Contact Info
Mind in Salford
The Angel Centre
1 St. Philips Place
M3 6FA

0161 710 1070
[email protected]

Send us a message

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At Mind in Salford, we welcome and value all feedback. We use all the feedback we receive to help shape our charity and its services, so that we can continue our mission to have a positive impact on the mental health and wellbeing of local people.

You may have attended one of our training courses, used one of our services, or worked alongside our team – no matter how you have been involved with our organisation, we would love to hear from you.

To leave our team some feedback, please click the button below. This will take you to a very short survey with only 2 questions that you can fill in at your own pace, leaving as much or as little feedback as you like. To read our full Complaints, Compliments and Feedback policy please visit our policies page.

Feedback Form